How to Write a Will

A will gives information about the transfer of property, ornaments or land from the testator (the person making the will) to his beneficiaries after his/her death. Everyone needs a will to ensure their assets are distributed amongst family and friends according to their wishes, so it is important to make sure a will is clear and not liable to misinterpretation. All testators have the option of framing their own will, or acquiring the services of a legal professional. What is important is that the testator's objectives are clear before the writing begins. Below we will offer some tips to consider when writing a will.

Tips for Writing a Will:

  1.  Prepare an inventory of assets
  2.  Prepare a list of family members and all other beneficiaries
  3.  Get tax advice on passing your property to beneficiaries
  4.  Consider establishing a trust for your spouse or other beneficiaries
  5.  Organize a witness for your will (this must be someone who is not a beneficiary)

Of course, any tips given here do not replace good legal advice. They are merely made in order to help you get organized in planning the will, and thereby enable you to write in the clearest way possible.
After putting so much effort into collecting the relevant information and writing your will, do not forget to proofread. Spelling and grammar errors could leave your will open to misinterpretation. To save unnecessary argument after your death, make sure your last will and testament is a perfect specimen of English writing.