WhiteSmoke Free Online Tools

Around a month ago, we quietly launched a couple of free tools for writers and English learners, right here on WhiteSmoke.com. After the initial period of use and testing, time has come for an official announcement :). the two tools are our online checker for your writing, effectively bringing WhiteSmoke's core features to your text for free, and our free online dictionary, which features definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and a translation module for every word.


Online Checker for Writing (Grammar, Spelling, and Style Checker)

The Online Checker for Writing brings you the core features of the WhiteSmoke 2009 desktop application - grammar checking, spell checking, and style checking. There is a limit on the amount of text you can check at any given time, and it does have the convenience of taking your corrected text back into the application you are writing in, but it gives you a good test ground for the WhiteSmoke technologies, and a handy little tool for checking smaller texts.



Free Online Dictionary

The Free Online Dictionary is a great tool for those moments when you are stuck on a word. Simply enter any word and immediately receieve its definition, relevant synonyms and antonyms, and a modul for translating that word into a number of target languages.


Try out the tools today!