Grammar and spelling checkers growing more common in U.S. schools

For decades, teachers have been pleading with their students to check for grammar and spelling mistakes before turning in their assignments. Now, many education professionals are preparing to introduce technological tools that are intended to ensure the quality of students' writing.

For example, the Oregon Department of Education recently announced that middle and high school students who take the state's mandatory writing exam online will be allowed to use spell checkers, National Public Radio reports.

The tool will point out misspellings, but will not provide students with the correct word. Additionally, test takers' will not be able to check their grammar online.

Susan Castillo, Oregon's schools superintendent, told the news source that the incorporation of these tools make students "free to be creative and innovative."

According to The New York Times, the use of similar technologies in schools is an international trend. Many institutions are using these devices who have learning disabilities, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Brant Parker, the Calgary Board of Education director of learning and innovation technology, told the newspaper that "these technologies help level a playing field for individuals who would not be able to demonstrate their capabilities as learners." 

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